classBeam Queens Age 10+

Beam Queens Age 10+: Mondays 5:30-7:00

5:30p-7p, Monday, every week

9 - 12

This is the best class for ages 10+  that love to take gymnastics balance beam, bars, floor, tumbling, vault, trampoline and dance without being in a class with lots of little kids!  The dance is lyrical and jazz.  Girls need a gym bag, athletic clothing and footundeez (can be purchased at our store next to our facility)  Girls will perform in our Nutcracker and in Spring recitals.  The girls are also invited to participate in our In-house meets to win medals and ribbons. 

Cost is $115 per month

First Availability

Mon 8/19/24 - 5:30pm
Apply Clear
Numbers only

Alternate ID

Day(s) of the week

Income Category

Income Program

Aug 24-June 25 CLASSES OPEN MAY 1st!