classAugust 1st Beg Backhandspring 5-7 yrs

August 1st Beg Backhandspring 5-7 yrs: Thursday 12:00-1:00 held in Metro East

12p-1p, Thursday 8/1/2024

5 - 7

If you have a roundoff and want to learn or perfect your backhandspring?  Join our experienced coaching staff as we spend an hour of instructional gymnastics working on backhandsprings or back tucks.

 Ages 5-7 : Beginning skill level or enrolled in our Hot Shot program
 Ages 7 years and up or enrolled in  Metro's Big Shot program.

You do not have to be enrolled in our program to participate but MUST have a roundoff to participate in this clinic.

$20/student pre-register by Friday
$25/student at the door if space is available

First Availability

Thu 8/1/24 - 12:00pm
Apply Clear
Numbers only

Alternate ID

Day(s) of the week


Class Season

Income Category

Income Program

Backhandspring Clinics

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