classCHEER 101

CHEER 101: Mon 6:00

6p-7p, Monday, every week

8 - 14

ages 8 & up.

Welcome to our Cheer 101! This class is designed to provide aspiring cheerleaders with the foundational skills and techniques needed to excel in the world of cheerleading. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this class will help you develop the necessary strength, flexibility, and coordination to become a confident cheerleader.

You will learn various jumps, tumbling and stunts, all while focusing on proper form and technique. Our experienced coaches will guide you through a series of exercises and drills that will improve your cheerleading skills and overall athleticism.

In addition to physical training, this class will also emphasize teamwork, communication, and performance skills. You will have the opportunity to work with other students, learning how to create captivating routines.  This class will be showcased at our showoffs.

By the end of this class, you will have a solid foundation in cheerleading and be ready to take your skills to the next level. Join us and let's cheer our way to success!

Classes are month to month - no long term contract.  30 days notice to drop a class - must be in writing (email otherwise you are responsible for the tuition that month.

First Availability

Mon 5/20/24 - 6:00pm
Apply Clear
Numbers only

Alternate ID

Day(s) of the week

Income Category

Income Program