classTiny Tumblers 3-4 yr olds (Shattuck)

Tiny Tumblers 3-4 yr olds (Shattuck): Shattuck Thurs 5:30-6:00 pm 23-24

5:30p-6p, Thursday, every week

3 - 6

In this class children will find beams, bars, and mats all designed to fit their smaller bodies and hands. Group activities are also included in our curriculum that involves partners to provide students with an awareness of others, allowing them to learn to share and take turns. Our objective is to have your child participate and behave in a controlled atmosphere that allows them to learn how to follow directions, wait their turn, and pay attention all while learning. This class will push your child to continue to grow socially and physically. The emphasis of this class will be to learn more advanced skills on preschool-sized equipment, such as the bars, beam, floor, and trampoline. Cardio, balance, and strength work will be introduced using a variety of equipment. Skills taught in this class include forward rolls, backward rolls, body positions, donkey kicks, cartwheels, various swings on bars, tables/bridge-ups, and more. Students must be potty trained.

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