Class Catalog

Tumble Classes:

Tumble Classes meet once every week for 60 minutes, these classes are designed to help athletes develop the strength, control, conditioning and technique necessasry to execute tumbling skills that are both safe and aesthetically pleaseing. Our tumbling instructors are some of the most qualified in the industry and have something to offer athletes of any age and ability level. Safety is always our top priority at Got Skillz, which means you expect two things; Level Progression: Athletes must show mastery of all prior level skills before moving on to the next level. Conditioning: Tumbling classes at Got Skillz have many different drills and conditioning exercises built into them. This not only gives the athletes the strength necessary to throw beautiful tumbling skills but also the stamina required to throw them in a competitive routine. Each class has a short description of skills that are taught in each class. With the exception of our Beginner Class, which has no prerequisites, athletes must have mastered all skills from all previous levels before enrolling in a higher level class. 


New Students will have to pay a $25 registration fee and fill out a waiver form in person on the first day of your class. Tumble classes are based on a 4 week month. $70 per month. You may start at any time. We will pro rate your first month if you start mid month. You will be auto-billed for all classes listed until you opt out. No contracts. We require a 30 day written cancellation notice to end a class. The cancellation sheet is located in the forms section of our website. All of our classes are continuously running so you may join in at anytime. If you are not willing to pay in our auto enroll system, simply enroll in our automated system online, upon your first class you will pay per quarter (i.e. jan, feb, march in full prior to starting). We do not allow checks or cash to pay on a monthly basis if you are not using auto pay each month. You must pay per quarter if not in our auto pay system. 


Please wear comfortable clothing, perferrably t shirt, shorts, legging, capris, or yoga pants. We tumble in shoes. Please wear clean sneakers to practice. Wear your hair up in a ponytail away from your face. Please no jewelry, zippers, buckles, jeans or skirts. 


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Day(s) of the week

ListingAvailableclassListingAges 2 & 3 Year Old Tumble Class
Sun 11:30am-12noon
1 of 7 open
classListingAges 4 & 5 Tiny Tots Tumble
Ages 4-5 Mon 4:15p-5p
0 of 6 open
classListingAges 4 & 5 Tiny Tots Tumble
Ages 4-5 Thur 4:15p-5p
0 of 6 open
No experience needed Mon 5:00pm-6:00pm
0 of 13 open
No experience needed Tues 4:00pm-5:00pm
0 of 12 open
classListingGet My Backhandspring
Tues 5:00pm-6:00pm
0 of 10 open
classListingGet My Backhandspring
Thur 5:00pm-6:00pm
0 of 10 open