Step 1: Log in or Create a Snap account.
Step 2: Pick a Party Package From The Party Packages Below. You will see a end of month start date, please select and move to next screen. (This is not your Birthday Party Date.)
Package A: Up to 10 Children $200 / Package B: 11 - 20 Children $275 / Package C: 21 - 30 Children $350 / Package D: 31-40 Children $425
Step 3: Pick a Party Date and Time by Selecting the Month, Date and Time you would like to Book.
Step 4: CHECKOUT... Pay for your party and you are all set! All Birthday Parties must be PAID IN FULL to hold your reservation. You should have a "Party Package" and "Party Date & Time" in your cart to be complete.
Step 5: Look forward to all the AWESOMENESS that is going to happen the day of your party!
** If you ever need to get back to the main Birthday Party page in Snap, click on the 3 lines in top left hand corners of screen, "Classes", and then "Birthday Parties".